Are you experiencing menopause symptoms that prevent you from feeling comfortable and enjoying your day-to-day activities?
Hot flashes, mood changes, night sweats, fatigue, and vaginal dryness, can all plague women of menopausal age; sometimes all at once, sometimes in stages. Even one of these symptoms is enough to sour a good day, or cause you to turn in for the evening when you’d rather stay out.
Our team at Water’s Edge Natural Medicine is committed to helping you overcome stressful symptoms. Bioidentical hormone replacement treatments, nutritional counseling, and herbal supplements can all make an enormous difference in the way you feel.
Want a quick tip you do right now?? Grab a tall glass of water. That’s right, water.
You may have heard that drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day improves your health, physical performance, and even mental and emotional states. However, the benefits of water go far beyond these basics for menopausal women.
The female body, depending on fitness level, is made up of about 55% water. For women nearing or currently experiencing menopause, taking optimal care of the body, mind, and spirit is essential — and one of the simplest and most effective ways to do this includes drinking lots of water.